PRICES in 2007
The above prices are in £ sterling and the euro equivalents, for the whole house and include clean linen on arrival, electricity and fuel for cooking.
Payment: A firm booking is made when your cheque is received for the full amount, or for half the amount when the sum exceeds £250, and is confirmed by us. (We shall send you a map and more detailed information about Reriz on receipt of your deposit). If you are forced to cancel and the house can subsequently be re-let for the period, you will be refunded in full, less any advertising, should this be necessary. If it cannot be re-let for the period, then you will forfeit your deposit.
The above rent is in £ sterling or Euro equivalent, for the first week for the whole house. For the second and any subsequent weeks, the rent is half price, thus for example two weeks in June, you would pay £375. Your rent includes clean linen weekly, electricity and fuel for cooking. The village shop can provide all your provisions for the weekend of your arrival, including an evening meal if required.
Hiring starts at 3pm on Saturday and ends at 10am on Saturday, unless special arrangements have been made. It is the hirer's responsibility to see that everything is clean, any damages have been made good, and that the house is made ready for the next party on departure.
Family name .................................................................................................................................
No. of adults ............... No. of children ........./.......babies (under 2 years old)
Post Code.......................
Phone/fax ...................... (home) ...................... (work) e-Mail......................................................
I wish to book tghe Villa Adriano
for ..........weeks, from ......................................... to ...............................................
Total rent payable: £................. I enclose a cheque for £.............. as my deposit. (Made payable to Mrs Lucinda Phillips)
We would like a meal ........ / provisions ........ on arrival
I agree to abide by the conditions of hiring below.
Signed.............................................................................. date .................................
Please return one copy of the booking
form to:
Mrs Phillips, Teddington House, Warminster, Wilts BA12
el (01985) 213409 fax (01985) 212910
I found Villa Adriano from (source): ........................................................................
Conditions of rental
1. While the best endeavours have been made to insure the accuracy of all information given, no guarantee
can be made that it is correct and up-to-date at the time of arrival.
2. When service is available for Casa Camelia, the hiring of servants
is the responsibiliy of guests and the hirers cannot be held liable
for any service provided by the staff.
3. Water, electricity, bottled gas and firewood are usually provided
but no guarantee can be given that all services will be working
all the time, particularly electricity which can be erratic. Water
is normally adequate and a reserve metred supply is available
in time of the rare droughts when care should be taken not to
waste water, as others depend upon it for their livelihood. Equally,
care should be taken with naked flames in summer time as the danger
of forest fires is ever present.
4. It is a condition of hiring that provision be made for any
damage caused and that all breakages be replaced before departure
with similar items.
5. Guests are responsible for insuring their own health, persons
and possessions. The hirers and their employees can accept no
liability for loss, damage or injury that may arise from the hire
of the house. In particular, guests should be warned that the
pool is over five feet deep, and the terraces high so that small
children should not be left unaccompanied.
6. It is understood that the people of the countryside will be
treated with equal courtesy, dignity and respect to that which
these charming people habitually accord visitors.